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Pre-School Learning Alliance Musical Minis - estabished in 1989 iHubbub Best Home Business Award iHubbub Best Family Business Award

Musical Minis is proud to announce a new franchise in the East Cardiff and Gwent area. Hazel Shaw, who was until recently a Facilities Manager in a law firm, has become the latest to join the successful Musical Minis franchise, which was established in 1989 by Karen Sherr.

Hazel has a lot of experience working with young children including being a nanny in Australia, running school clubs and volunteering in schools. These experiences have inspired her to take up a new career working with children.

Karen Sherr, founder of Musical Minis commented “The interactive programme, which uses a variety of songs, music, instruments and puppets, is structured to help babies, toddlers and children improve their co-ordination, enhance their listening skills as well as develop their social and communication skills”.  However, Karen believes that the development of such skills is not the only reason children should attend. “Fun, fun and more fun is what Musical Minis is all about. The sessions are structured in such a way that encourages children to discover sounds, explore instruments, mimic actions and learn to share and make friends in a relaxed group setting.”

hazel-shaw-2Hazel is confident about her new business venture. “I have already received a number of enquiries from parents, who have understood the benefits of the programme, wishing to attend sessions. Children and babies respond naturally to music and the sessions are designed in such a way to encourage early communication; promoting confident, sociable and creative children.”

Hazel will be launching in November 2016 in Marshfield and Newport and has plans to set up classes throughout the region.  Musical Minis will also offer birthday party packages as well as regular or one-off sessions in nurseries and pre-schools. In addition, Hazel is interested in carrying out contract work at Children Centres and Nurseries.

Places are limited to 15 per session so to avoid disappointment, contact Hazel today on 07926 355154 or email

Visit the Musical Minis East Cardiff and Gwent website to find out more.

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