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Pre-School Learning Alliance Musical Minis - estabished in 1989 iHubbub Best Home Business Award iHubbub Best Family Business Award

Musical Minis is delighted to have been working with Sure Start Children’s Centres for over 10 years. We appreciate that each Centre faces its own challenges from its unique community and have adapted our relationship to suit individual Centres.

We have found many ways of working together to ensure that we can deliver the Musical Minis programme to families in a way that suits your Centre’s funding objectives. This includes regular contract work delivered by our network of franchisees around the UK, the direct licensing of the programme (whereby we train your staff to deliver the programme) and by collaborating with other organisations to offset the costs.

In addition to regular bookings, Musical Minis runs parties and if there is a franchise in your area we would be delighted to provide a one off session. Whatever you and your attendees might be celebrating, Musical Minis can inject fun and energy into the event.

We have received positive feedback from many Children’s Centres with programme managers stating that Musical Minis has had particular success with language development. Halton Sure Start in Merseyside said; “All the sessions undertaken at the three venues are always well attended by parent’s grandparents and carers. An evaluation of the service offered by Musical Minis was recently undertaken and all who completed the evaluation were positive about the group’s content, friendliness of the staff and most importantly the positive impact that it has had on individual babies and toddlers. Many adults who attend the group have recommended attending the course to friends.”

Musical Minis was established in 1989 to help promote cognitive, physical and social development through the use of music. The Musical Minis ethos is to be fully inclusive, ensuring that no child or carer, whatever their background, family situation or ability, feels out of place. It is aimed at children up to pre-school age and has been fully mapped to the objectives of the recently updated Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and linked to the outcomes of Ofsted’s Every Child Matters criteria.

The value of the Musical Minis programme was acknowledged by the Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association  and the Local Government Review.

We are sure that Musical Minis could be of great benefit to your centre and we would be delighted to work with you. To find out more information about Musical Minis please email or telephone 020 8868 0001.

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